Feature a bit of traditional Palestinian art as part of your everyday wardrobe. Our culture, after all, is part of our resistance!
- This handmade piece features a well-known line from Mahmoud Darwish's poem "On This Land". The line reads: "3ala hathihi al-ard ma yasta7iq al-7aya" (translation: "on this land, we have that which makes life worth living").
- The calligraphy was created in collaboration with a Gazan calligrpahy artist.
- Measures to be about 9 mm in height.
- Made from a stainless steel metal, carved, gold-plated, and then enameled to give the calligraphy a strong contrast.
- Care: Though the rings are made from a very strong material, they should be handled with care to extend its wear and avoid scratching/general damage. The piece is made of a plated metal, so avoid perfume and chemical contact to ensure longer lasting quality.